ONW: 13-Year-Old Girl Stabs Mother In Alleged ‘Slenderman’ Attack

And here we have it once again.

If this begins to become a phase of sorts, I am going to go absolutely ballistic.

My Strange & Spooky World

Wisconsin-stabbing-2-jpg Site of the Waukesha, Wisconsin attack — via WLWT

I’ll be honest: when reports of the Waukesha, Wisconsin Slender Man attack started making the rounds several weeks ago, I decided not to post any information about in on my site. As far as I was concerned, it was a weird, bizarre and sad instance of two girls who clearly had issues. How else can you explain two 12-year-old girls deciding to try and stab their friend to death and then claiming their actions were an attempt to win the favor of a fictitious character known as Slender Man?  I mean, nobody actually believes Slender Man is real, right?

Well, apparently others do. Or at least that’s what a Hamilton County, Ohio mother is claiming. Specifically, the woman, who has yet to be identified, told an NBC affiliate that she came home from work one night to find her 13-year-old daughter…

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I apologize for my absence. Graduation was just last night, and the past few weeks have been me simply unwinding. My last trimester was just as stressful as any, and I rarely found any motivation or time to write a true entry in this blog. But something has happened.


Two Wisconsin girls brutally stabbed their friend nineteen times, just barely missing a vital artery that could have sent her straight to Death’s arms. One disturbing element is that they are only twelve years old. But the next part is far more horrific: they did it simply to impress the first great myth of the internet, Slender Man.

The Slender Man has become a popular face in modern internet horror, appearing in varying bodies of work, such as Creepypastas (which inspired the girls to take on this action). He is typically described as a tall, faceless, pale man wearing a simple black suit. Incarnations of the creature vary, but he is typically portrayed in a villainous manner with various “Proxies”. These are just the little monsters who partake in work for him, as the legend goes. But these girls did not just take it for a fun legend. They attempted to kill their best friend to BECOME A PROXY FOR SLENDER MAN.

Mass stupidity and obsession with a specific media irritates me. The sites that host Creepypasta are in danger of being taken down. But this is just one incident. These girls are mentally unstable. Slender Man is a great character with a terrifying back story, but he is most definitely not real. These girls are absoultely fucking stupid. I do not apologize for my language. They are braindead beyond belief. If you believe for even a second that Slender Man is real and you are not the age of my five year old sister, you are unwell.

Creativity leads to a lot of things, and inspiration is one of them. And inspiration has definitely stemmed in this inciident. Slender Man is not the leader of a ‘cult’, as various sites have reported. He is a mere character that has been called “the internet’s first great myth”. It’s not that hard to look into the creature a bit more to see if it is a true monstrosity.

I just… I’m frustrated. The entire incident is one that can send me to the depths of anger. It frustrates me that a great legend is now the source of a ridiculous incident. It is ridiculous that the character is now viewed in a cult-like manner. Art cannot simply be art any longer it seems these days. It must be something that gives intentions and desire that force the source material to be viewed in a negative light.

Nonetheless, my thoughts do go out the the girl who was stabbed. She is lucky to be alive, the blade just missing a vital artery that would have meant certain death for her.